Step 1 of 10 0% Estimate your credit score. Excellent 740+ Good 680-739 Average 621-679 Fair 581-620 Poor < 580 What is your current property purchase situation? Signed a Purchase Agreement Offer Pending / Found Property Buying in 2-6 Months Researching Options What is the purchase price of the new property?$50,000 What is your estimated down payment?0% Down How much are you looking to get approved for? Above $650,000 $501,000-$650,000 $351,000-$500,000 $251,000-$350,000 $151,000-$250,000 What is your employment status? Employed Self Employed Military Retired Other First Name*Last Name* What is your email address?* What is your phone number? How did you hear about us?*--Please Select--Online / Google SearchFrom a FriendIn the MailFacebookInstagramOtherNotice number (if applicable):